Monday, 27 April 2015

Clothes and homeware shopping haul...

Hi people! Basically - I was meant to post something kind of related to the last blog post I did but... I decided to blog about what I did today because to be honest, I thought it would be more interesting. (NOT saying that the other post was going to be rubbish because I actually thought it was really good, but I'm doing it next time so anyways...) Back to the post! So today I went to Matalan and Dunelm because I felt like doing a bit of random shopping; seeing what I fancied getting. As you do! ;) Here's what I got...
First up, Matalan's!
This is an extremely lacy top, the gaps in between the wool are different shapes and there are a lot of them! But despite being scared that I was going to ruin it just by hanging it up on a clothes hanger, I still got it because its very pretty and I love the fact that I will be able to wear it in the summer as its slightly different to my usual summer-wear.

I got this vest because I thought it would go nicely with the lacy top and even though I do have vests that could go under it, they are all quite neutral colours and I liked the blue colour that would stand out more. Also, I have another Palmer Heritage vest like this one which is grey so I already knew it fitted and was comfy.

I like this shirt because as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of another shirt I have in my wardrobe but that shirt is now old and I just know that it isn't going to fit because the last time I wore it was last summer and it was very tight then. I also really like the pattern because its very randomly dotty and has a little tie-thingy at the bottom-front which looks cool. When I first saw it, I also thought that it looked different to in the catalogue. In the catalogue, its meant to be like a crop top thingy but on me it stops just on my bum - I mean, I knew I was short but am I really that short?!

The last item of clothing that I got in Matalan is this fringed top by Papaya Weekend. I absolutely love it! At first, I wasn't sure about it but I was willing to go and try it on to see if it looked good on me and I was surprised that it looked really cool! There were four different patterns but I liked this one best. Also, the black fringing at the bottom is what makes it really different to what I usually go for.
OK, turns out I lied... this is the lasting item of clothing! I just wanted to get these because I wear leggings all the time but I only have pairs that are full leg length leggings so this was a little bit different as they are 3/4 leggings. I think I did used to have a couple of pairs ages ago but that was really aaaages ago and they definitely don't fit now and I've probably got rid of them!
While my Mum was looking at work clothes (boring much, haha) I was looking at new accessories like hair stuff. In the end, I got a pair of cute little headbands in pink and grey which have flowers on with tiny sequins in the middle of each flower. I also got some daisy hair slides which I thought looked really cute and fun and a little different to my normal bobby pins that I use.
Lastly in Matalan's.... Guess what?? I managed to get a pair of slip-ons that ACTUALLY fit! Usually I have the problem of finding slip-ons that stay on (so they should be called slip-offs, really) because of my extremely awkward size 3 (and a half!) feet. After lots of trying on slip-on shoes that didn't fit, I came across this pair of navy suede shoes with pretty bows on. I wanted them so badly! I tried them on... And they fitted! Perfectly! You honestly don't know how good I feel about this. :)
Next stop - Dunelm...
The first thing that I got in Dunelm was this cool woollen basket that kind of folds down flat. As soon as I saw it I wanted to get it but I wasn't sure what I'd do with it. Then I had this amazing idea to keep all my teddies (yes, I'm a teenager and I still have teddies, don't judge) in it during the day so they're not all on my bed looking in the way. Plus, because its material, it looks like its mean to be on a bed even though it probably isn't.

I am obsessed with getting new cushions for my bed but I have got a fair amount so instead of getting another cushion, I just got a new cushion cover. This is because one of my oldest cushions had a cover that was very worn so I got a new one for it which the pattern on it looks really pretty. I still want more cushions though... ;)

The last thing finally! I found this right at the end of my search for some new stuff for my room. It looks really cool, I just had to get it! It is a Copper Finish Tealight Holder and I know its meant for a tealight but I'm not allowed to light candles in my room because my room is so small that any wrong move near a flame would end in a catastrophe! And I am definitely not risking that! So instead of a candle, I'm keeping little bits and bobs in it like a bowl.
In this photo, I have a bracelet I got given a while ago, a paper fan from a Christmas cracker from ages ago that I still have because on the paper bit it has a picture of Bambi and I love Bambi and I use it in the summer when its hot. I also have my Great-Grandma's ring which is really special to me and a random key tied to a ribbon that I don't actually know what it opens. Maybe it opens a secret garden... (Book reference - if you haven't read it or watched it, you need to!)
That was a nice change from the blog posts that I've been doing recently. I hope you enjoyed it too. If you want me to do a particular post then just tell me in the comments below and I will try to grant your wish! Also sorry that I posted a little bit later than during the weekend, I have been trying, honest! xx
**Who has watched the Clean Up Anthem by Lily Singh (iisuperwomanii - one of the best YouTubers in my opinion!) It is absolutely amazing and she's done one of her My Parents React for it! I've also watched her latest song-thingy which is IVIVI with Humble the Poet and that's also cool.**

Sunday, 19 April 2015


Hi everyone! As usual, I'm really sorry that I couldn't post last weekend because I was busy. Believe me, I don't just say that I've been busy to get out of posting because I am absolutely in love with this blog and I just love that you are all taking the time to read this.
Anyway, I want to do an 'empties' post as I've seen on YouTube but obviously its not going to be in a video, it will be in pictures on here. You'll just have to trust me that I have actually finished them all!
The first empty I have is the Herbal Essences Clearly Naked volume shampoo that I mentioned in one of my 'Latest Bath/Shower Obsessions' post. I have loved this, it is probably one of my favourite shampoos I've had, which I know sounds a bit biased when I only really buy Herbal Essences shampoo but this was the first Clearly Naked one I've had and I was very impressed by it.

This is another Herbal Essences shampoo that I have also mentioned in the same blog post as the Clearly Naked shampoo. This one is the Beautiful Ends one, its the one that I always get because I'm just so used to it which makes me sound really boring but if you comment below any suggestions on your favourite shampoo then I will try it out!
I know you can't read the writing on the bottle very clearly because I stupidly took the photo infront of a white background but it is the Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit facial wash by Neutrogena. Yes, the one that I raved on about in my 'Skin Care Obsessions' post!
Most of these empties are products that I have mentioned at some point on my blog so sorry about that and it is also why I'm not going into as much detail about them as I would usually because if you want, you could find the post that I mentioned it in and read about it there.
This is one of the two packets of P.S. Love Your Skin Oil Balancing facial cleansing wipes that I bought when I did that long Autumn Shopping Haul post that a lot of you seemed to really like. Yes, I have finally managed to get through both of them! If you want to know where I got them from, they are from Primark and I know that they're still there because I've been in Primark quite recently and they are still near the tills. Also, these aren't the only types of wipes they have, there are 2 other types but I can't remember what they were for but they were blue and pink packets.
The next two empties are dry shampoos. If you know me then you'll know that I use a lot of dry shampoo! I have no idea why but ever since I got into using it, its been something I always do to my hair, especially to my side fringe. The first one is by Dove and its the Refresh + Care Dry Shampoo. I haven't mentioned this one before in any of my posts but I'm sure I don't have to explain what dry shampoo does!

This dry shampoo, I have mentioned before and I think it has been one of my favourite ones to use (believe me, I've used a lot!). Its the Tresemme Volumising dry shampoo. If you want to know more about it then you can look at one of my early 'Latest Beauty Obsessions' posts - I'm warning you though - my early posts are pretty rubbish.
Another empty that you might've seen before on a different post, this one is from my Lush haul that I did with one of my friends. Its the Snow Fairy shower gel that was brought out specially for Christmas. I finished this around the new year but I knew I was planning on doing a post like this so I kept it for this long! Dedication right there. ;)

The last one, I promise! This empty I have kept for a while, and by that I mean before I even knew I was going to have a blog - yes that old! The reason I kept it though was because the perfume was given to me by one of my friends from my church, who I'm still friends with now, around one Christmas (can't remember which now!). But I just thought it was so sweet and the message on the front of the bottle is so sweet as well. I know you can't read it very well because my camera wouldn't focus properly but it says "I love myself when I'm with you." <3
That's all for today. I'm sorry if it bored you, I promise I have something a bit more interesting next time but I've always wanted to do one and obviously I couldn't do a video as I'm meant to be anonymous and all that, so yeah... Anyway! Also, another reason why I didn't post last weekend was because I was too scared to use my camera as I somehow managed to drop ice cream with sticky chocolate sauce on top of it. Long story short, the shutter things (I'm not a camera expert OK?) kept getting stuck on the lens so it couldn't take photos or shut properly.
But its fine now, thank goodness! So until next time, bye xx
**Btw I have got really bad hayfever right now that its not even funny - I mean - who gets hayfever this early in Spring/Summer?? Who else has it, or is it just me?**

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

il mio viaggo in Italia (2)

You're lucky - this is part 2 of 'il mio viaggo in Italia' and its been the quickest I've ever uploaded 2 posts during a week.
Day 3 (Pompeii & Hard Rock café)
When we got into the city of Pompeii, the first thing we saw was this amphitheatre. Apparently this is where the Romans watched Gladiators fight wild animals or other Gladiators.
Another picture when I was inside the amphitheatre - as you can tell it had rained a lot the day before. I think that Italy is kind of like England's sibling when it comes to the weather some days!
Then we came up to the first glass case where the bodies were, sorry I couldn't get a photo of all of them lined up.  If I took a long-shot photo, you would've been able to see my reflection and if you haven't noticed, I'm meant to be anonymous!
Apparently the eruption happened early in the morning which is why they all look like they are lying down and they didn't have much time to realise anything was happening because the ash from the pyroclastic flows buried them and preserved the bodies. Well, I tried to sum it up as best as I can! Search it up and if you come up with a better explanation then please comment it below.
Another body (how nice - being sarcastic there). There were two of them in separate cases but I could only take a good picture of one of them.
OK, I promise that this is the last photo I took of a body! Apparently this one was a prisoner who at the time was struggling to get out of his chains (which is why he looks like he is in a weird yoga position - actually take that back - an extremely weird yoga position!)
After having a tour around Pompeii, we got on the coach and travelled all the way to Rome. Then in the evening we went to the Hard Rock Café!
I had never been to the Hard Rock Café until this time in Italy and I have heard that there is at least one in a lot of countries. I found it actually really cool in there - not trying to sound surprised! It was like a museum of Rock on the walls where loads of guitars, records and even a couple of clothes of famous Rock artists were put up. Another cool thing about it was it had TVs nearly everywhere you could look - at least there was in the part we sat in - with Rock music videos were playing all the time.
First up I chose a cheeseburger with chips and ketchup. I found it a bit strange that the menu and everything was in English but then I thought about it and its like in England we have restaurants that are Italian or French that have menus in their own language and its just the same sort of thing in other countries.
After that very filling burger (which sadly I nearly overcome but couldn't manage the end!), we got given ice cream! Not just that, no, it was in a TUB! I know this sounds a little bit weird (OK, more than a little) but I have a massive obsession with eating ice cream that comes in a tub. Its alright though, its the little things about us - no matter how weird - that make us stand out. And standing out is a good thing! :)
After all of that yummy food, the teachers (well, it was a Geography trip!) told us we were going out for a couple more hours to see some of the monuments in Rome. In the dark. Late at night. When they told us to be careful of pick-pockets. When we were already tired. Fantastic. Excuse the sarcasm. Anyway, no matter how much we resented doing it, we went and it was fairly good considering! These are 3 of the best photos I took while we were out.
Day 4 (the Coliseum & travelling back home)
This was the last day in Italy so we went in the morning to the Coliseum. Here are two different perspective photos of the Coliseum that I thought that you'd all like!
Here are another two photos from the inside of the Coliseum. Apparently, there aren't any seats where the crowds would sit anymore because they got stolen. I mean, how could you even manage to steal seats that were probably stone or connected to the building in some way? I found it a bit sad really, the seats have been stolen apparently and they are putting scaffolding up around the building because its crumbling away. But its still cool.
Guess where we went next! Yes, there really is McDonalds everywhere! I chose a Big Mac (my very first one, no lie) and had chips and a Coke with it. The burger was very nice... after I had wiped all of the lettuce and mayo off onto the box! Yeah, I don't really like vegetables... :)
After that, we all went back to the hotel (a new one because we are in Rome, I did say, even if you didn't bother to read that part!) Then we waited in the reception for the coach to come to drive us to the airport. At the airport we basically got through to the duty-free part as quick as possible because it was late in the evening and we were all quite tired.
When we went to wait for our flight, we found out it had been delayed about half an hour so we had a little bit longer wait. Luckily the flight was slightly quicker than on the way to Italy so after landing and driving back to the school it was just before 1am. Yes - 1:00 in the morning! I got picked up by my parents and went to bed extremely quickly because I had school in a few hours time!
Rightio! That was all for today - you've been lucky this week, I've given you 2 posts! Even though technically this post is the first one of April, and you know what April means. Easter! <3 Next weekend I won't be able to post as I am going away (yes, again) for a few days but then I will be back again (you can't get rid of me that easily)! So before I go, I wish all you lovely people a happy Easter.
**If you are a Directioner, you need to read this. As everyone knows, or should know, Zayn has left One Direction. Since then some Directioners have been cutting or committing suicide. You should NOT be doing this or considering to do this. Its up to Zayn what he wants to do as much as we may not like it. I know that I was definitely upset about it.
But then you should realise that Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis are still planning on carrying on for as long as they can which is good and then realise that none of them, including Zayn, want you to cut or do anything like that for them. Its not going to change anything as I'm sorry to say. That's all I wanted to say. Directioners please show your support for them still and don't ever stop being proud of our incredible fandom!**