Tuesday 26 April 2016

New Skincare Buys...

Hi, I'm so sorry I haven't managed to post in a while now, and I was doing so well! Anyway at least I'm back now and I thought I would show you a few things I bought when I was out shopping, that I'm planning on introducing to my skin care routine.
This is the first thing I got, it's a breakout (spot) clearing gel by Soap & Glory. I usually like a lot of Soap & Glory's shower and bath products so when I saw this I thought I might as well have a try. I have used Neutrogena's spot clearing gel before which works well but I wanted to see if there was a stronger one than that because it usually took 3 days of using it morning and evening to lessen some of my spots whereas this one says it is 'Super Strength' and is a 'fast acting formula'. Hopefully that's true!
Then I got this, which is a Boots own Tea Tree & Witch Hazel foaming face wash. I have heard that tea tree and witch hazel are both very good for treating acne which is why I went looking for at least one product that had tea tree or witch hazel in it. Luckily, I found that Boots had made a whole range of skincare products which had tea tree and witch hazel in! This is a face wash that is meant to be refreshing (and it smells so fresh!), has antibacterial properties (from the tea tree oil) and is deep cleansing.
This is in the same range as the previous product, and when I saw this I got so excited! There has been a buzz about active charcoal in skincare for a while now and I've always wanted to try it but had never found something I liked the look of with it in. This is meant to be a deep cleansing facial scrub so I might try it out for week and then see if I need to use it perhaps a little bit less after that as it might be a bit harsh for using every single day. It does contain witch hazel though, which means it shouldn't be too harsh because that calms the skin. From what I read on the back, the charcoal 'attracts dirt like a magnet' and draws out deep down impurities and excess oil without over drying.
The next thing I have is from The Body Shop and it is the Seaweed Clarifying Toner. I've never properly used a toner before and I actually went into The Body Shop looking for an overnight serum but this is what I ended up with! It is meant for combination/oily skin which is perfect for me seeing as I have very oily skin. I like the sound of it anyway because it uses seaweed and that just sounds so refreshing to me! Apparently it removes any last traces of cleanser, makeup and impurities and primes your skin for moisturiser.
I'm really looking forward to using this! I am also waiting for them to restock my local The Body Shop because I really wanted to buy the serum from the same seaweed range that this toner came from as that looks really good as well.

The last thing I got was a face mask from Lush. Ever since I bought my first Lush face mask, I have been converted to buying their face masks from now on because their Cupcake one did wonders for my acne! I was planning on getting the Cupcake one again but it turned out they didn't have it in when I went so I was a bit disappointed as that was perfect for me. I did get this one though which is called Cosmetic Warrior, it's meant for getting rid of breakouts so I am looking forward to good results from this. Also, if anyone reading this has been to Lush recently and they have Cupcake in stock please can you tell me in the comments?
That's all for this week's blog post! If any of you are using any of the products I've mentioned above, please feel free to comment down below telling me (and other readers) how effective they are. I will be doing a later post once I have tried them for a reasonable time to tell you how effective I will have found them so hopefully that will help some of you. You're all amazing, post soon xx
**Has anyone else seen Little Mix's new video for Hair ft Sean Paul, I love it, and now I really want a sleepover with them! Comment down below what you think of it!**

Friday 1 April 2016

Spring Shopping Haul at Matalan...

Hello! I know I'm posting a bit earlier than usual but I have a lot going on during the weekend so I won't be able to post then. Anyway, moving on to the post! I realised that I've never done a Spring shop that I've posted about on this blog before so a couple of weeks ago I went to Matalan and did just that! And I think you already know that I bought loads of things...
The first thing I found as soon as I walked into the store was this blue denim shirt-dress. I really like the look of it and it's very different to anything else I have in my wardrobe but still suits my style perfectly. I could also wear it pretty much all year round because in the winter/autumn I could pair it with leggings, in spring I could pair it with a nice jacket over the top and in the summer I could wear it basically on it own with a some sandals or even trainers for a more casual look.
I am absolutely in love with this top! When I first saw it I just thought it was a normal top that had a really cute slogan on "make magic happen". Then when I tried it on in the changing rooms, I realised it had what the label called a 'handkerchief style' to it, as you can see it the photo on the bottom of the top. It is also a perfect fit on me which is really good!

I then went into the new sports range by Souluxe which Matalan now have and I decided to choose a couple of tops I would be comfortable wearing in the gym or just wherever I go outside to do exercise. This is one of the tops I got, which looks over-sized on me (I got it in a medium, they didn't have any small sizes in this top!) and it was already meant to be a slouchy fit. I don't mind it though because it still looks really cool once I wear it with a normal sports bra.

This is the other top I got which I did manage to get in a size small! I love the gradient effect it has and I also like the slightly lower back that dips down at the bottom of the top, I don't know why but I always like this style! This is also a top that is meant to be baggier than normal. I prefer getting tops like this for exercising and things like that mainly because I feel much more comfortable in them compared to the really close fitting ones that you usually see people wearing for sport.
I also got a jumper from the same range but this isn't just going to be for sport, in fact I think I've only really worn it for lounge wear and as a normal hoody to go outside in when it's a bit cold! I really do like it though because it's got thumb-holes in the sleeves so I can keep most of my hands warm without needing gloves and it has a higher neck than some which means when you zip it right up it feels even more snuggly! It also has a pull-tie around the bottom of the jumper instead of the top (which is weird but cool!) and has a wider welt than usual.
From exercise to relaxing, I got this pair of pyjamas. I mean, I was bound to get yet another pair of PJs wasn't I? Pyjamas are life! And I really like this pair because it has "Follow Your Dreams" (pretty fitting for my blogging name, ForeverDreaming do you think?) It is really bright and the pyjama bottoms especially make me think of Pocahontas and who doesn't love a bit of Pocahontas? #hugeDisneyfan <3
Another sports thing! Honestly, I didn't realise how much sports stuff I'd got until I came home and unpacked the bag! This is just a random headband that I thought I'd get seeing as I'm trying to grow my fringe out at the moment and it's getting to the awkward stage of having to have something done to it whether it's braiding, twisting or holding back with a hairband.

I got a fedora hat! Didn't see that one coming did you? I've never had a hat like this before and I think it's just because I thought they wouldn't suit me but when I tried this on in front of the mirror - I loved how it looked. I can see this going with almost everything and being able to wear it most seasons of the year as well which is great. It also has a cute bow on the side - just thought I'd mention it!

The last thing I got was this bag which at first I kind of wondered whether I should get it or not but in the end I went for it because it is very different to any of my other bags and I liked the scaly, blue pattern as well. It also looks retro... maybe that's why they called it Retro Refresh!
That was all for this post and I promise I will get back to all of you lovely readers in another blog post! Post soon xx
**I have no idea why I've only just found this song out, but search up Meghan Trainor's song Better When I'm Dancin' because I am absolutely obsessed with it right now and it is the soundtrack to The Peanuts Movie!**

Saturday 26 March 2016

Making Chocolate Easter Egg Nests...

Hi, I'm back! It is finally the Easter holidays which I am so happy about because I feel like I need a good break from school and exams (even if some of my teachers did give me LOADS of homework...) I love celebrating Easter (which is tomorrow - yay) and I also like welcoming the Spring which is why I decided that for this post I would do something a little bit different and show you how to make chocolate Easter egg nests. Also, it gave me an excuse to eat even more food than I should!
You can choose any variety of ingredients for these nests but obviously the main thing is to have at least one type of chocolate and a type of cereal, Shredded Wheat (crumbled up) or Rice Krispies probably work best. I made different mixtures using:
Dark/white/milk chocolate
Shredded Wheat/Rice Krispies
Chopped up glace cherries
Mini eggs
(but not my phone even though it's in the photo!)
1) First you need to melt the chocolate, I just did it in the microwave because it is easier but you can melt it in whatever way you usually do.
2) When the chocolate is all melted, mix your chosen cereal into it. Add the extra ingredients in as well to make even more of the mixture, this will include the raisins, glace cherries or marshmallows. You will need to do this quite quickly to make sure the mixture doesn't go solid.
3) Spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases. It depends on how much mixture you made to how many cases you fill up.
4) Leave them on a cooling rack, in a fridge or anywhere you have space to put them so it gives them time to cool and harden completely. This makes sure that they stay in shape and don't crumble as much when you eat them.

And that's it! I ended up making 32 nests in total but that's because I think I went wild on the ingredients!
 I hope you liked this post, as some of you may know, I really like baking and stuff like that so hopefully if you enjoyed this recipe (even if it is pretty well known, at least in Britain) I will do more of these. For now though, post soon xx
**What do you like baking during Easter? Please leave a comment down below, I would love to know!**

Friday 18 March 2016

Liebster tag award...

Hello, if you want to know, I am a very happy bunny and I couldn't wait to post this! I only just found out earlier in the week that a trusty reader/fellow blogger (I will mention you, don't worry) had nominated me for the Liebster tag award. The Liebster award is an award (I know I'm so clever!) that is given/voted for by bloggers for other bloggers - or at least that's what I've made of it. Once you are tagged and nominated, you then need to nominate more bloggers. You are also given a set of questions to answer in a blog post which I'm also excited about as I've always wanted to do a Q&A!
I was nominated by Rose from Kisses Rose who has a wonderful blog and you should definitely check it out!
Right, let's get cracking... (too early for Easter jokes?)
What is your favourite season?
My favourite season is probably autumn because I love when the leaves start to fall off the trees and it turns the whole place into a colourful rainbow of gold, orange, red, green and brown. It's also when it starts feeling a bit more cosy inside because I can finally drink hot chocolate again and wear huge, over-sized jumpers. I love hot weather (fingers crossed this summer, UK) but it's just not the same as loading up on hundreds of warm layers!

What was your least favourite age to be?
Honestly? I would have to say the teenage years in general. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm still a teenager now but I've had to (and will probably still have to) get past a lot of things. When you're around 12 you are usually starting secondary school, in year 10/11 the pressure of exams and coursework come along (yep, I'm in that category unluckily) and somewhere in the midst of all that puberty hits you like a ton of bricks! Along with that you are busy trying to keep up friendships. I just think that the teenage is a very messy and muddled up age to be.
If you could learn a new language, what would it be?
It would have to be Italian! I've always loved the culture of Italy and was very interested in it since quite young. Having finally been to Italy (around this time last year) I love it even more! Italian food is amazing as well... pasta, pizza, gelato... yum! If you want to find out more about my trip to Italy then there were two posts that were probably posted between March/April 2015.
What shop do you buy most of your clothes from?
If you hadn't guessed already from some of my shopping hauls, I don't really get designer things and tend to go for everyday clothing shops like Primark, New Look, Matalan (beware I have a post coming up on one of them!) I like to find clothes that look really good for my style and fit well but at the same time hopefully most people could afford. That way when people compliment me on my clothes and ask where they're from I can say I got them from one of these shops and let them be surprised! Believe me, it's happened before!
What's your favourite board game?
This is a really hard question for me because I have a love-hate relationship with board games! I hate losing! But I'm going to go for the classic Monopoly because the first time I played it I won! I haven't won since then but we won't go into detail about that... *cough* cheaters *cough*
Why do you blog?

I started blogging in 2014 because I wanted to try out something different that I could really get a lot of fun out of and that would show a side to me that I didn't used to really show to anyone. Then I realised that I loved the idea of blogging which made sense because I enjoy writing and I think in a very creative way. Although I was considering expressing this completely different side to me that not many people knew at the time to the whole world, when I started actually making posts I noticed how it had become something that separated me from my reality which was where bad days happened and teachers annoyed me.

I'm not saying my life wasn't (and isn't) enjoyable and I love spending time with my family and close friends and even the smallest of things can make me happy now but I can be really miserable  (my mum would agree!) especially after a long, tiring day and blogging really excites me once I start typing. A year ago roughly, I started properly getting to grips with blogging and now I can take a whole morning just getting the photos right and then I spend several evenings trying to write up a post! This is what I find fun and I don't know what I would want to waste my time on if I didn't blog.
What was the first thing you did this morning when you woke up?

Well today was a boring school day so I had to wake up at 6:00am to the Kiss radio station - no ad - and get dressed in a horrible school uniform. Even if Justin Bieber's songs are pretty cool right now, it still doesn't motivate you to get out of bed that early on a Friday morning when you know you have a hour and a half exam that you are in no way ready for. Trust me.
What was the best holiday you ever went on?

I'm not sure because I been on a lot of lovely holidays to be honest! I've already mentioned my first time abroad to Italy and technically that wasn't meant to be a holiday (kind of was though) because it was a school trip so I won't go into that although it was AMAZING. I think I will go with the most recent one which was last summer and we went to Derbyshire and got to go on cool walks and stay in a really nice cottage with a metal spiral staircase going up. Even if the room my brother and I shared had a bad connection to Wi-Fi!

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

Well, I'm already sat on my bed in my PJs (I'm lazy, I know) so my second choice would have to be sitting in the corner of a small, cosy café with a mug full of hot chocolate cupped in between my hands and chatting to one of my closest friends. We would probably be talking about the most random of things!
Do you have any pets?

I have two guinea pigs who are sisters, called Caramel and Lolly. You can tell which one is which because Caramel has a huge patch of brown on her side and Lolly has a tiny black dot just above the middle of her eyes. They are honestly the chubbiest balls of fluff I've ever known and I love them so so SO much! Whenever I need a bit of light relief I know can play with them and stroke their furry little backs forever! <3 Cheesy much??

Two very sleepy guinea pigs (they made the mess, not me!)
Do you play any sports?

I am a very lazy person so no, I don't play any sports properly but don't worry I do still exercise sometimes, I'm not that bad! I do PE (yes, maybe because it's a rule!) twice a week in school and I do random things at home like dancing crazily, hula-hooping and skipping - yes I am a real child! I did also join the gym recently and was getting good at going once every week but my knee has decided to mess itself up (again!) so I probably won't be going until after the Easter holidays at least...

That was all for this week's post, I hope you liked reading my answers to the questions as much as I liked answering them. As I said before, I've always wanted to do something like this so its been a good opportunity! For now though, post soon xx
** The people I will be tagging are:
Becca from The Style Remedy
Chloe from Chloe Marie
Marta from This Is Simply Me
Harrlie from Beauty Journey
And these are my questions for you to answer!
- Why did you start up your blog?
- What animal would you want to be?
- How much money do you spend on makeup?
- Can you describe your personality in three words?
- What is your favourite food?
- What is your favourite song right now?
- How do you like to relax?
- Where do you want to go for a holiday? **

Sunday 13 March 2016

Going to The Dorchester and Borough Market...

Hello! I'm back and I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting very regularly at all this year but I have already planned some more posts to publish in the next few weeks after this one so hopefully I can get back on track and give you more regular posts. That's my aim!
Anyway, back to the subject of this post... Basically, I'm a GCSE (British exams) student and one of the courses I took for my GCSEs was catering because I love cooking and baking. At the moment we are planning for our afternoon tea course and our teacher planned for a few of us to go to The Dorchester for extra research (and cake!) I was one of the lucky ones to have been invited to go. So on Thursday I got to go to one of the poshest hotels in London to be shown around the kitchens and experience some of the food they served there. We also went to Borough market which is an international food market where I tried lots of food even before we got to The Dorchester!
Here are few photos of the day...
Had a proper German sausage in a hotdog from one of the food stalls.

All of the food on every stall looked nice, these are just a few of the best photos I took in the market.
Afternoon tea at The Dorchester was extremely nice and the food was scrumptious!

As it wasn't a complete afternoon tea and we were only tasting some of their food, each of us could only try one thing. I had never had a macaroon before this so I tried their one which represented the flowers they grew in the back. It tasted amazing! There was blood orange cream on top, a marshmallow in the middle with a sugar leaf sticking out. I can't actually remember what the actual macaroon was mean to taste of but I know it was a very expensive ingredient!

I enjoyed every minute of that day and obviously the food was the best - even if I did feel extremely full after it all! That's all for this post, I will be posting some more shopping hauls and fashion posts so don't worry I haven't given up on them! I am really excited for you to read my next couple of blog posts but obviously that will be in later weeks to come as I explained in the intro. For now though, post soon xx
**Has anyone else had an afternoon tea before and if you have where was it? Comment down below!**

Saturday 27 February 2016

Things I Do To Relax...

Hello, I'm really sorry that I haven't managed to publish a post last weekend but I promise you this post is going to be good - or at least I think so and I hope you do as well! I thought I'd show you a few of the things that I do to relax and  help me to try not stress out too much (which if I'm honest, recently I haven't been doing too well with!)
The first thing that I do to help me to take some time out for myself is to read a good book. When I was really little and throughout primary school, I used to love reading books but then as I moved into secondary school I started going off reading books a lot as the teachers made it a bit too much of a priority which meant I didn't feel like it was for "leisure" - if you get what I mean! However when this year started, one of my resolutions was to read much more books than I had been doing previously. Now, I have been enjoying having some time out just sitting in bed all tucked up while reading a book before I go to sleep. On weekends I will even sometimes read in the mornings as well!
There are two books that I really recommend and they are both YouTuber books actually! The first one is by Carrie Hope Fletcher (aka ItsWayPastMyBedtime) and it's called All I Know Now, if you want a bit more of a review on it then go look on my last Latest Obsessions post. The second book is by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) and it's Girl Online On Tour, I loved the first Girl Online book and this second one is no exception, the story leads on perfectly.
The next thing is listening to music, I love music and I think any chance I get to listen to music, I will do! I always stick my headphones on and listen to music on the bus on the way to school and on the way back home because it is just another time where I can just shut myself away from other people (nothing like being unsociable, huh?) and just focus on the music. Or even just dancing and singing along to any crazy song you like can be helpful - I do that a lot - just not on the bus, please!
I've been particularly liking Little Mix's album Get Weird just because it has such a fun and confident sound (perhaps also because I'm a Mixer!) This is the only thing that lets you use your phone on this list though because I don't know if I'm the only one but I can get very distracted by social media which doesn't have to be a bad thing but going on it a lot (which I have been lately - oops) can stop you from getting on with other stuff, in turn making, at least me, feel more stressed.
Even though I'm saying don't go on your phone too much, that doesn't mean some types of technology can't be de-stressful! I only just got my brand new, bright blue Nintendo 3DS XL (!!!) and I am so incredibly happy because you honestly have no idea how long I searched for one at a reasonable price! I've only got two 3DS games at the moment but I they are both so fun to play and just helps me to wind-down for a bit - even if that means losing some games while winning obviously much more because I'm such an amazing gamer (not...)!
I love playing level games and I'm a proper Mario girl so I had to get the new Super Mario 3D Land game and I am doing pretty good at it, if I do say so myself! I also got ScribbleNauts Unlimited which is very easy and fun to play, it lets you create objects to solve the weirdest problems like - spoiler alert - an invasion of zombies at the local fire station. Which is clearly an everyday occurrence in the world of ScribbleNauts.
It may or may not seem a bit like something only little children enjoy but when you have a whole new range of weird and wonderful colouring books coming out especially for adults and teenagers like Secret Garden by Johanna Basford and I 'heart' Colouring, it is something that seems to have turned into a trend. Most of the books are also aimed at relaxing and calming down as well which makes it perfect to add to this list! I personally love these colouring books as it just gives you something to do that doesn't feel like too much work but still feels productive, if that makes any sense! I particularly recommend Secret Garden though - it reminds me of the story book and film!
I think this is the thing that nearly every blogger/vlogger talks about being relaxing, and sorry about the continuous 'bath talk' but I am one of those people! Sorry! I don't manage to get many baths actually, as much as I like them (don't panic I do shower regularly!) so when I do get time to have a bath it is more of a treat which makes it feel even more relaxing to me. I am also one of those people who could go on forever about their love of Lush bath bombs, melts, scrubs or whatever other weird but wonderful things they are creating! You may be asking, why do you have the Snow Angel bath melt when it's not Christmas (even if you weren't I'm still answering that!) and it's because I'm so bad at finding time to properly bath that I just end up getting few things, usually at Christmas time, that end up lasting me for the rest of the year. At least it's saving me some money, I guess!
If all else fails, then you can always rely on one a trusty film! Recently I watched Paper Towns and I absolutely loved it! I mean it had Cara Delevingne playing Margo - what more do you want?? I have to say though, you can always trust a Disney film to cheer you up as well. I also watched The Princess and The Frog for the first time, not too long ago and it.was.amazing. No other words needed. You don't even have to watch a film, you could also watch loads of episodes of your favourite TV show one after the other (Big Bang Theory, obviously) or even loads of videos by a YouTuber you really enjoy watching!
Last but certainly not least, the ultimate way I like to relax is having endless cuddles and playing with my two extremely cute guinea pigs, Lolly and Caramel. They are definitely my world and if you have a pet as well then you will know what I mean. Plus, I mean, these photos honestly make them look the cuddliest guinea pigs ever! <3 <3
I hope this slightly longer post has made it up to you for having been a while but if not, then I have another surprise for you! Hopefully, I can make a separate email specially for this blog so I can do a lot more with this blog and share things like my posts with you as soon as I publish them! That's all for now though, post soon xx
**I watched The Brits awards on Wednesday, did you see how many awards Adele won?? And Little Mix's performance of Black Magic was incredible!! Who else watched it and which performance did you like the best?**

Sunday 14 February 2016

Latest Obsessions...

Hello! I'm finally able to write this blog post which I'm so exited about because I haven't done one of these in quite a while! I'm going to do a Latest Obsessions post as I have been loving a lot of things recently and I really want to share some of them with you.
I'm going to start with hair because I made a huge change in my hair routine recently, mainly because I want to try and grow my hair much longer. So one of the things I did in order to help my hair become healthier was change my shampoo and conditioner. Up until now, I have been using Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioners for a long time, which was alright for what I wanted back then, but I felt like I needed to change if I wanted my hair to grow even the tiniest bit more. So after looking into what made a good shampoo and conditioner, I came across OGX which have loads of different scents and ingredients for the kind of thing you want. For me, I just want my hair to be less dry, stronger and in better condition overall so I decided this would be the best one for I wanted - plus the coconut smell is amazing!
The next few things I've been obsessed with lately are to do with beauty. The first beauty product is this beautiful, very shimmery eye shadow in Cream Crush from KIKO Milano. It looks so perfect and the almost champagne colour that catches the light goes so well with my blue eyes! I usually wear it as the main colour for all over my eyelid but then put either a matte rose colour or a darker, shimmery bronze in the crease to add more depth to the look.
I think this has been in a 'Latest Obsessions' post before but I really wanted to include it in this one as well because I have been using it a lot recently due to the weather changing a lot making my lips get dry and flaky. I usually scrub my lips with this (while trying not to just eat it!) before putting any lip product that I know will be drying on like a lipstick or even just before I put on my usual lip balm to give it a smoother surface. And this one tastes of bubble gum which is delicious! :P
I bought these Mattifying Shine Control Papers by Deep Action not too long ago and ever since I got them, I have been using them every day in school. They are that good! During the school day my T-zone, especially my nose, gets very shiny due to my very oily skin tone. It always got on my nerves and some of my friends used to ask me why my nose was so shiny which made me become quite worried about how I looked throughout the day. I started touching up my makeup much more than I needed to and it started to look quite cakey. Obviously that didn't help my acne and I used to get even more breakouts of spots than ever.
However, since I have started using these, I have been managing to just use one to blot on my nose and any other areas that have started to get oily at lunchtime. The papers absorb any oil on your face without taking off all of your makeup and leave a light layer of matte powder so you look and feel a bit more refreshed.
The next thing on this list is something I have been enjoying drinking (I'm drinking it now) instead of plain milky tea (and even hot chocolates!) ever since getting a taster in one of my magazines. It tastes incredible and if you haven't tried Chai tea before then I suggest you get up right now (well, after you've finished reading this post) and go to the shops to buy a some of this! It has a very cinnamon-y and all those spices you'd get in a gingerbread man or something like that but better!
I have been loving Carrie Hope Fletcher (aka WayPastMyBedtime / TwentyThirtyTwo), I have been excited while waiting for a YouTube video to be put up by her. At Christmas, I got given her book All I Know Now (I know I'm a bit late on the bandwagon but better late than never), it has truly been an eye opener and I have started subtly changing ways I look at life or ways I act around other people. I've realised how much easier or slightly less stressful some moments have seemed compared to if I hadn't got the helpful advice from her in her book and if I hadn't decided to change my life around more. I think I have definitely turned into a Hopeful!
Lastly, I want to include something I got given for my guinea pigs Caramel and Lolly. It is a chew toy that, as you can see in the photo, has a rope middle, with two wooden cubes attached on either end. It is so fun trying to play tug-of-war with them and has been helpful because when they are in the run, they try to bite and nibble at the material we put beneath them so I usually give them this and they chew and bite it instead. As you can see, this is Lolly enjoying it when she was in the run.
That was all for today, I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's just that I have been trying to juggle a lot of homework and revision recently. Hopefully having the half term off, I can get back into it for you. Hope you enjoyed it, post soon xx
**I am loving Shawn Mendes' song Stitches and the video is really cool as well! What songs have you been into? Comment them down below.**

Friday 29 January 2016

My 15th birthday (quick post) ...

Hello! I know I haven't posted earlier this week but I am now writing this halfway through the week so I guess it's better than nothing! Anyway, I'm really sorry that this post isn't going to be a proper one but I thought I'd just share with you how my birthday went which was last Monday! :D
These are all of the presents that I got - well, the ones in the left side of the table anyway because the ones on the right are my brother's ones. All of the presents I got were amazing and I got loads of money as well which I'm really happy about!
The cake I got was meant to be like an ice cream sundae which is really cool and it has a piece of chocolate shaped as a jug full of chocolate and is meant to look as if it is gravity-defying (it doesn't but let's go along with it!) with chocolate pouring out of it.

Here's both of our cakes together, he chose a chocolate cake and together, they are the most sickly birthday cakes I've ever eaten! Usually it wouldn't be a bad thing but just after I had my birthday, my throat started being really sore and I haven't had as much appetite for it as I would normally have.(This is the point where you all write in the comments how sympathetic you feel for me, haha!) However I am definitely still up to eating more of it! Yesterday was probably one of the worst days for my throat and I even had a presentation in English so it wasn't exactly the best time to have it but it went well so I guess that's good!
That was all for this post, I will be back to posting longer ones next week but for now... Post soon xx
**Yes, I am aware that my birthday is on the same day as Calum Hood (5SOS) and when I found out I was very pleased to say the least! If you have a favourite celebrity or anyone who you have the same birthday as comment them down below, I'm so interested!**

Tuesday 19 January 2016

DIY Bedroom Decor Ideas...

Helloooo! Don't know why I exaggerated that but I did... Anyway! As you can see from the title, this post is about how I made a few things to make my room a bit more unique and Pinterest-y! Hope you like it...
The first DIY I have is this vase of colourful paper flowers! I made these with different colour pipe cleaners, lots of tissue paper (also in different colours) and tape, I used decorative tape but you could use plain tape as well.
  1. I started off by cutting the tissue paper into circles, I made my circles with roughly a diameter of 12 - 13cm but you can make them as big or small as you want.
  2. I then picked the colours I wanted for one flower, I used about 3 - 4 circles of tissue paper to make my flowers. Pile the pieces on top of each other in whatever order you want and fold them in half and then in half again.
  3. Cut the curved edge of the quarter-piece in any way, I cut most of mine in waves or zig-zag pattern. Only cut the curved edge though because otherwise the flower is going to fall apart when you open it back up.
  4. Open it up so all the pieces are in a circular shape again. Then get a pipe cleaner and fold over the tip of it and twist it slightly to make sure the 'knot' is secure.
  5. Thread each of the pieces through the pipe cleaner and stop just at the fold. Tape the pieces onto it so they are secure. Spread the 'petals' out a bit so you can see each individual layer.
Repeat all of these steps to make more flowers and then you can either stick them in a vase like I did, but you could put them in a jar, pencil pot or even just stick them dotted around your room if you want!
The next thing is this inspiration board/picture thing that I decided to make.  I found this one really fun to make and I don't really know why, to be honest! This is probably one of the easiest things to make and you just need the Internet, a printer or you could even write/draw your own but I'm lazy so I didn't!
There's not really any steps to this one, I just went on Pinterest and Google Images, picked the quotes and pictures that were relevant to my life and my goals (new year's resolutions coming in!), printed them off, cut them out and arranged them on the magnet board at the back of my desk. You can put them up anywhere but I decided on my desk because I sit at it a lot and I can see it from basically everywhere in my room.
This DIY is another easy one, it's ribbon bunting. All you need is any ribbon scraps, I doesn't matter if they're different lengths because that's what I did with mine and I think it looks nice that way and a long piece of thread to hang them up. All I did was tie each end of the thread onto where I wanted the bunting to go over (I put them across a corner above my bed) then loop-knotted the ribbons onto it in the order I wanted. That's it really!

The last thing I made was this jar that I decorated and then filled up with ideas of things I could do everyday for either myself or another person. It's quite self-explanatory but I decorated the jar using some pens that can write on things like glass (you can probably get them from any craft shop). Then I filled it up by writing things on coloured card like "Read a book you love" or "Call a friend you haven't seen in a while". I find it so fun to just dip my hand in the jar and pick something out to do every so often! You don't have to fill it up like that though, you could fill it up with sweets, nail polishes or anything you like!
I really liked making this sort of post so if you did any of these DIYs then please tell me in the comments which one you did, I would love to know! I'm planning on doing more of a range of different blog posts so expect some odd posts that aren't just about beauty or shopping (because to be honest that's usually what I write about!)
**My birthday is in less than a week now and I can't wait! Actually... my birthday is going to be on Monday and that's when I usually post now (I know this post is a day late) so I might be able to post that day but it might also be either early or later. We'll see... :D**